CamC Available for Undergraduates, MSE, and PhD Qualifying Research


Camera Augmented Mobile C-arm (CamC) is the newest addition to LCSR which was initially invented by Prof. Nassir Navab in 1998 at Siemens Corporate Research. It allows the fusion of X-ray and the optical camera, and it is the only practically accepted intra-operative augmented reality system.

The innovation behind CamC relies on its unique off-line calibration phase. Both the optical and the X-ray imaging systems are mounted rigidly on the mobile C-arm, therefore calibrated in the same coordinate system in an off-line process.

Students will join ongoing projects that are collaborative work between the CAMP group at JHU and Technical University of Munich (TUM). Upon interest and success, students can take up to a 6 months internship in Munich.

There are several projects available involving CamC. Depending on the students’ interests, availability, and background different projects are assigned. The wide range of projects involves medical augmented reality under CamC, real-time image segmentation, image fusion from the reconstructed cone beam CT to the live optical feed, real-time object tracking and detection, augmented depth perception enhancement, workflow simulation under CamC, etc.

The students are expected to have sufficient knowledge of programing in C/C++. Basic knowledge in computer vision, and computer graphics is preferred (but not required).

Please feel free to contact us on [email protected] if you are interested. You can also stop by at the Mock-OR in the LCSR lab in Hackermann to see a demonstration on the CamC machine.