All posts by Mathias Unberath

5 Papers at MICCAI 2018!

We are delighted to announce that all our 5 manuscripts submitted to MICCAI 2018 were accepted for presentation (3 early accepts)!

Pre-prints of our papers are available from arXiv and videos are available from this link (* starred authors are considered joint first):

M. Unberath*, J.-N. Zaech*, S. C. Lee, B. Bier, J. Fotouhi, M. Armand,
N. Navab. “DeepDRR: A Catalyst for Machine Learning in Fluoroscopy-guided Procedures”. (early accept, poster)

J. Fotouhi*, M. Unberath*, G. Taylor*, A. G. Farashahi, B. Bier, R. Taylor,
G. Osgood, M. Armand, N. Navab. “Exploiting Partial Structural Symmetry for Patient-Speci c Image Augmentation in Trauma Interventions. (early accept, poster)

B. Bier*, M. Unberath*, J.-N. Zaech, J. Fotouhi, M. Armand, G. Osgood,
N. Navab, A. Maier. “X-ray-transform Invariant Anatomical Landmark Detection for Pelvic Trauma Surgery”. (early accept, oral)

A. Preuhs, A. Maier, M. Manhart, J. Fotouhi, N. Navab, M. Unberath.
“Double Your Views – Expoiting Symmetry in Transmission Imaging”. (poster)

.J. Hajek*, M. Unberath*, J. Fotouhi*, B. Bier, S. C. Lee, G. Osgood, A. Maier, M. Armand, N. Navab. “Closing the Calibration Loop: An Inside-out Tracking Paradigm for Augmented Reality in Orthopedic Surgery”. (spotlight)

IEEE NSS/MIC Best Paper Award (Second Place) and Trainee Grant

Our contribution “Deep Learning-based Inpainting for Virtual DSA” by Mathias Unberath et al. was among the winners (second place) of the Best Student Paper Award at the 2017 IEEE Nuclear Sciences Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference (NSS/MIC).
In addition, Mathias Unberath was awarded an IEEE NSS/MIC Trainee Grant.

Mathias Unberath et al. “Deep Learning-based Inpainting for Virtual DSA” IEEE Nuclear Sciences Symposium and Medical Imaging Conference Record (2017).

Two orals at SPIE Medical Imaging 2018.

We are happy to announce that two papers were accepted as oral presentations to the upcoming SPIE Medical Imaging conference.

K. Yu*, R. Barmaki*, M. Unberath*, A. Mears, J. Brey, T. H. Chung, N. Navab. On the Accuracy of Low-cost Motion Capture Systems for Range of Motion Measurements.
* These authors contributed equally.

E. Tucker, J. Fotouhi, S. C. Lee, M. Unberath, B. Fuerst, A. Johnson, M. Armand, G. Osgood, N. Navab. Towards Clinical Translation of Augmented Orthopedic Surgery: From Pre-op CT to Intra-op X-ray via RGBD Sensing.

Outstanding Paper Award at MICCAI Workshop AE-CAI

We are happy to announce that Sing Chun Lee et al. received the Outstanding Paper Award of the 11th MICCAI Workshop on Augmented Environments for Computer Assisted Interventions for their contribution ”Multi-modal Imaging, Model-based Tracking and Mixed Reality Visualisation for Orthopaedic Surgery”.

Congratulations to all authors!

Lee, S. C., Fuerst, B., Tateno, K., Johnson, A., Fotouhi, J., Osgood, G., … & Navab, N. (2017). Multi-modal Imaging, Model-based Tracking and Mixed Reality Visualisation for Orthopaedic Surgery. Healthcare Technology Letters.