Magic Mirror in Action

2014-09-09 MagicMirror 1The LCSR Industry Day on 09/08/2014 was a great opportunity to bring the Magic Mirror in action and show it to the public once more. Not only was the fun factor a great introduction in our lab pod presentation, but also we could utilize the set of various users for an informal usability study.

The Magic Mirror is a successful implementation of medical augmented reality in the educational domain. Showing the major intestines of the human body in an attention-grabbing and yet easy to use software attracted already visitors on various exhibits.

During the Industry Day, the Magic Mirror has been used by 15 independent adult visitors, giving us helpful information on the usability. Deepening further on that topic in the near future, we will use this knowledge to extend the features and improve the user experience.

For more information on the Magic Mirror please visit

2014-09-09 MagicMirror 2